Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Keep Voting!

Its Tarynk here, and we love your input so far on the party of your choice. Invite your Club Penguin friends to this site to vote too!
From Tarynk, President of Club Penguin Coolers

Help Us Make A Few Changes To Club Penguin!

Tarynk and I believe that a few things should be changed on Club Penguin. So, we are trying to make it happen! We are sending tons of emails to Club Penguin encouraging them to do something about it, but we need your help! Okay, we won't keep you guessing any longer. Wouldn't it be crazy cool if you could pay people for you pizza or get paid for you pizza, or have a win a contest and have a crazy money award!? We think so! That's why we asked (and asked, and asked....) Club Penguin if penguins could send thier money to other penguins! How cool would that be!?
Another thing: Have you ever noticed that sometimes some of the things you say on Club Penguins (even though they are NOT inappropriate) do not show up to other penguins!? We have! And it irritates us! :'( We trying to get Club Penguin to fix this error so that penguins are allowed to say (almost) anything they like! It feels like someone's taking away our freedom of speech!
So, it would be oh-so-wonderful, that if you agreed with the changes we want from Club Penguni that we listed above to happen, you could help us out and send Club Penguin a couple (or alot) of emails saying how you feel and encouraging CP to change thier ways! This should be about pleasing the costumer right?!
~ Good Luck and Happy E-Mailing, Tarnk and Imatweetybrd, presidents of Club Penguin Coolers

Monday, March 22, 2010

We're Back!

Again, we've been MIA (it's been pretty hectic) but we're back and ready to take on the challenge keeping you updated on the latest and greatest going on at club penguin.
When we come back, we come back with a BANG: and we have some breaking news!
Imatweetybrd and Tarynk will soon be releasing our first Youtube video, AND, having a very amazing party :) BUT, we need YOU to vote on what it should be! So, if you wouldn't mind voting on the poll to your left that would be AMAZING, that way we know what party will be in your best interest. The party will happen soon so make sure you keep checking up to see the winner! :)
The Club Penguin Coolers Presidents Imatweetybrd and Tarynk :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

We're back!

I know we've been MIA lately, but we are back, and coming out with the winter fashion, hints, tips, games, parties, etc. First of all though, here's me and Tarynk having some fun (:
(click on the picture to see a bigger version)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Floating At The Igloo :)

Haha, here's Imatweetybrd floating at the Igloo :) Click the picture to zoom in.

Our Favorite Hobbies

As I'm writing this, I am doing one of three favorite hobbies : I am planning a 'surprise party'. This includes going into a stranger's house who has their igloo open, checking out the place, and the then deciding, if you like it, to tell everyone about the 'great party' there. My favorite part is how the owner reacts when everyone's in their igloo!
Me and Tarynk's second fave hobby? Annoying waiters! So next time your at the Pizza Parlor, beware. If you happen to serve us then you'll never hear the end of it :) We hope you know how to annoy waiters. If not, then here are some basics:
- Fight over seats with other penguins. Yell for them to get out of your seat.
- When you see a couple dining, go over and act like one of them is cheating on you.
-Yelling WAITER!!! as many times as you can.
-When a waiter comes to serve you, act like you don't believe that they're a waiter.
-When talking to the waiter, say random things like "So, what do you do for a living?" and "What the flop doodle!" (haha)
- When you finally recieve your food, make random complaints like "It's MOVING!" and "This isn't pizza!"
And finally, our third fave hobby is crashing parties. Here are a few party themes and actions:
- American Idol - Dress like a madman and sing terribly, and when the judges say next beg for another chance and don't leave the stage. Also, sing with the other contestants or make annoying remarks.
- Fashion show - Dress for something that is not in the theme and then tell everyone that your outfit is best.
- McDonalds - Order disgusting things like toast with tuna or pretend like you can't make up your mind. Then refuse to pay for the bad service and threaten to sue. Then sit down with someone you don't know and strike up a conversation about the terrible service.
- Meet Your Crush - Stalk a person the whole time and then say "Im sorry but I'm not interested."
- Spin the Fish/ Spin the Bottle - Go up to a whole bunch of random people that it didn't land on and say "Muah" and when someone else goes yell "IT LANDED ON ME! MEEE!"

Haha, there you go. Wish us luck on our party-crashing.

Imatweetybrd's New Igloo!

Here's my great igloo :) I love tree houses!